High-quality Learning
Revamp & strengthen programs to support the needs of infants and toddlers and the professionals who work with them.
Despite research that consistently demonstrates the effectiveness of early learning and development interventions, the United States invests relatively little in its youngest learners. In Illinois, the impacts of this reality are critical.
> 10%
access rate for
Flawed funding structures & inadequate access
Statewide, there are significantly fewer early childhood slots for infants and toddlers compared to their 3- to 5-year-old peers – a result of inadequate and flawed funding structures. In fact, only 25% of Illinois’ infants and toddlers have access to licensed child care, with many communities experiencing access rates of less than 10%. Access rates fall even further when it comes to high-quality care.
Early Intervention: A Critical Service Drastically Underutilized
Early Intervention (EI) services, which are critical for children who have or are at risk for significant developmental delays, are drastically underutilized across the state.
Approximately only 4% of children under age 3 in Illinois receive EI services, although research indicates that 13% of children could be eligible for EI services.
Only 4% of children
under age 3 receive
EI services in IL.
Recommended Strategies
Our recommendations outline timely and ample opportunities to revamp and strengthen current programs and services and to make the most of new investments, specifically through accessible and appropriately funded early learning and care programs and optimized early intervention services.
Accessible Family & Center-based Care and Learning
Provide necessary early learning experiences that help infants and toddlers lay the foundation for future health and success.
Optimized Early Intervention
Ensure equitable access to EI services, necessary developmental supports that can make a difference in a child’s lifelong trajectory.
News & Resources
IL Prenatal to Three Agenda
Our work is guided by an ambitious, comprehensive, multi-year strategic policy agenda to ensure that Illinois’ youngest children and their families, especially those furthest from opportunity, are on a trajectory for success.
Voices Kids Count 2021
Voices for Illinois Children Releases 2021 Kids Count Report The report outlines prevalent factors associated with childhood poverty and reviews the state’s poverty landscape. The most recent report from Voices for Illinois Children, released in July…
Early Childhood Funding Commission Report
Raising Illinois Applauds Release of the Illinois Commission on Equitable Funding for Early Childhood Education and Care’s Final Report Recommendations outlined in report provide ambitious path to strengthening Illinois’ early care and education system and the…